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11:59 a.m. - 2007-05-15
A promise is a promise
You know, it's not completely my fault that I haven't updated my diary for about two weeks (or more). First, Diaryland was down to all of us who are not gold members. Then I went out of town for the weekend. Then, I... well, got home and fell asleep and slept a whole lot!! It was nice.

So, my weekend, my weekend. What a weekend!! Now that school is over, my weekend actually started out on Thursday. I was all sorts of productive on Thursday morning. I walked to the school to mail some letters and sell back two books (I was so ripped off) and then I went back home to pack and play Munchkin with Natasha and her boyfriend. He's interesting. I'd almost believe he has mafia connections or something. He's a vicious Munchkin player and he'd never even played the game before! He had no problem with using underhanded threats to get his way. There was no way around it. I had to take him out!! It was fun.

After that, it was time for me to travel. First I went to the bookstore by the Chicago temple to pick up some stuff and then I finally headed to Indianapolis. It was so nice to finally go down there. I was starting to see withdrawal effects since I hadn't seen Ash in about two weeks. I got there at the very decent hour of about 7:00 and was so excited. I actually felt a little bad because I was excited to the point of being a little giggly and stupid. You know, I really try to act like I'm mature and have a good grip on things, but then stuff happens and my whole act falls to pieces.

That night, we went out shopping to get stuff to make egg rolls. I've been craving them and I thought it would be fun to make them. It was fun to make them. It was really fun! But, you know, I'm not very good at making egg rolls. Usually, when I make them at home, mom does all the real making. I'm basically there just to cook the rolled egg rolls. This was the first time I've actually tried to make them on my own. Here are some things I learned from the experienc:
* If you've never actually tried the recipe before, maybe you should make something else if there's someone you're trying to impress.
* If the egg rolls are greasy, your oil is probably not hot enough.
* I should really not be allowed to use sharp knives. (There's another scar I'll have for a while.)
* Ash doesn't keep band-aids in the house. (I thought that would be necessary for a bachelor pad, or maybe all the guys I know are just way too accident prone and they don't make good examples.)
* Ash also does not have tupperware. What's with that?

Friday was a nice relaxing day. Since we planned to go to Holiday World on Saturday and then to his parents house for his niece's baptism on Sunday, we just kind of chilled on Friday. We got the oil changed in Ash's car and walked around the mall and had lunch. Then we went back to his house and watched some anime. (I can see why Kim likes Fruits Basket so much now.) Then, we got some frozen custard and played video games for a while. That was my favorite part of the day!! I got some knitting done on the Dr. Who scarf, I got to play some Mario, and I got to watch Ash play some Mario. It was fantastic!! We talked about going out in the evening to see a band called Hogeye Navvy. They are kind of fun, like the Yoopers and we thought it would be a good idea to get out and do something, since anime and video games seemed like a bad way to spend a day off. When it came right down to it though, that's what we really wanted to do (Ash is so cool!!), so we ended up just taking a break and getting some dinner and then going back to Ash's place to play some more Mario. It was so much fun! I loved it!

Wow, this is going to be a long entry. So Saturday, we got up early. (We're talking 6:00 early) and left the house by quarter to 7 and made our way down to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN. If it wasn't for Ash, I would have no idea that this place even existed. It's like a best kept secret. It's this little amusement park that has apparently been there since the 1940's. It's got a holiday theme to it and three roller coasters and a really cool water park. It was so much fun. We played in the water park and rode coasters and Ash got to see some of the people that he used to work with in the summers. We ended up completely sunburnt and exhausted by the end of the day, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

We left a little early so that we could meet up with his family at a park since they were celebrating his niece's baptism. That was fun too, and the park was nice and relaxing and shaded. It was good to be out of the sun. We so crashed when we got to his parents house afterwards.

So Sunday was the baptism, which was really cool because Ash had been asked to actually perform the baptism. And all went well with that, except for some reason it was taking Ash a really long time to change and come back into the chapel after the baptism was performed. Tabitha came out and was amazed that she had beat him out. Five minutes later we were still looking for him and getting a bit concerned. After about 10 min we were talking about sending out search parties. Finally, he came back in. Apparently, when we left that morning, we had forgotten to bring an extra towel for Ash and he had to use a little rag that he found in the bathroom. Poor guy.

So that was my weekend. We ended up driving back to Indianapolis Sunday evening and got back to Ash's house at about 11:30. And we were so tired!! I ended up staying at his house one more night because there was no way that I was going to drive back to DeKalb that late at night. I drove back on Monday morning and even though I was still a little sleepy and managed to take about 3 wrong turns, I was glad that I stayed.

The only problem with going to see Ash for the weekend is that it's so hard to adapt to the rest of the week after that. I had to work yesterday afternoon and I was having the hardest time getting into it!! I was missing Ash and still a little sleepy and missing Ash and we've seen how well I focus when I'm missing Ash. Luckily, work didn't go too bad. I didn't do anything too stupid and managed not to break anyone's glasses, even the pair that someone had found under their tool box after two days of looking for them.

So, there you go. I've now updated my page. I don't want to hear anymore complaining from ya'll for a few days now.

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